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From SAP Knowledge Base
- 12:34, 27 December 2024 Classic BAdI FEB BADI (hist | edit) [1,902 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The BAdI is called before the batch input folders are created with transaction FF_5 that carry out the postings. = Create implementation in customer namespsace = The BAdI cannot be used multiple times. According to an SAP note, the current implementation can be deactivated if the IBS Public Sector industry solution is not used. Alternatively, the customer exit 'FEB00001' can also be used. A Z-FM must be registered in the 'T_FEBCL' parameter of the exit FM, see more in...")
- 14:41, 26 December 2024 IDoc message type MRESCR (hist | edit) [937 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "If data from the reservation is to be provided to a partner, the MRESCR can be used as a message type. For example, if the partner posts a receipt for the reservation, this can be received as a goods movement with message type [[IDoc_message_type_MBGMCR]. '''Message type:''' MRESCR<br /> '''Basis type:''' MRESCR0X<br /> '''Direction :''' Ausgang = Creation = Since it is an internal document, message control cannot be used. Therefore, the IDoc must be created with a...")
- 13:58, 26 December 2024 Get exists and BAdIs from transaction codes and programs (hist | edit) [4,538 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category: code_snippets The following code can be used to display exits and BAdIs for a specific transaction code or program: Backup from <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line copy> REPORT ZUSEREXIT . TABLES : TSTC, TADIR, MODSAPT, MODACT, TRDIR, TFDIR,...")
- 13:47, 26 December 2024 Translations (hist | edit) [1,046 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Translate_objects_in_whole_transport_request")
- 13:19, 26 December 2024 Own section in the implementation guide (SPRO) (hist | edit) [2,491 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Step 1: Create IMG structure = The first step is to create your own IMG structure with a node using transaction code SIMGH. Additional nodes can then be created at the same or lower level: center|alt=create new SPRO section step 1 create IMG structure = Step 2: Create and assign IMG activity = Once the structure is in place, the respective IMG activities nodes can be inserted. As with nodes at the same or lower level: # An...")
- 12:59, 26 December 2024 FioriApp:Create Billing Documents(F0798) (hist | edit) [636 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Customizing_for_fiori_apps = Function "Display billig document after creation" = If this function is activated in the billing settings in the app, a temporary billing document will be created after selecting an item and clicking the 'Create invoices' button. If the number range prefix 'TMP' and the corresponding interval are not maintained in customizing, a error message appears. Note [ 2922052] describes...")
- 12:51, 26 December 2024 FioriApp:Balance Sheet/Income Statement(F0708) (hist | edit) [293 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Customizing_for_fiori_apps = PDF Print / Export = If customizing is missing, the message 'Form Template customizing missing' appears when you press the export / [ Note 2719866] describes what is necessary for customizing.")
- 12:41, 26 December 2024 Translate objects in whole transport request (hist | edit) [420 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== SE63 == Translations can be done with SE63. For example with objects in transport requests. # Own worklist # Select the 'Transport request' tab # Enter the transport task in the 'Transport request' field # Confirm the 'Deactivate selection' checkbox # Confirm the 'Deactivate original language check' checkbox # Confirm the 'Deactivate language settings' checkbox # Confirm the 'Disable exceptions' checkbox") originally created as "Translate objectes in whole transport request"
- 12:37, 26 December 2024 Transactions (hist | edit) [2,574 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Application = = Customizing = = Development = == Overall == === Translation === {| class="wikitable" |'''Name''' |'''Purpose''' |- |SE63 |Translate e.g. all objectes in whole transport request |- style="text-align:center;" |colspan="1" | |colspan="1" | 🔧 how to article: translate objectes in whole transport request |- |STAUTHTRACE |Berechtigungstrace |}")
- 12:28, 26 December 2024 List of authorization objects (hist | edit) [977 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |'''Authorization object''' |'''Description ''' |'''Field name''' |'''Field text''' |'''Value''' |'''Value text''' |- !colspan="6"|Documents as attachments in receipts |- |S_WFAR_OBJ |ArchiveLink: Permissions for accessing documents | | | | |- |S_BDS_DS |Permissions on document set | | | | |- |S_TCODE |Transaction code check for transaction type |TCD |Transaction code |SDV |Document Viewer |- !colspan="6"|Purchasing |- |M_BANF_FRG |Release code in pu...")
- 12:17, 26 December 2024 Objectes (hist | edit) [743 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== SE11 == {| class="wikitable" |'''Name''' |'''Transaction code''' |'''Zweck''' |- |Change document object |SCDO |Generate change documents in CDHDR / CDPOS for tables in customer namespace |- |Lock object |SE11 |Creation of a locking object including automatically generated ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE function modules |- |Search help |SE11 |Creation of a search help |- |Search help |SNUM |Creation of...")
- 00:29, 26 December 2024 Debug print program with RSNAST00 (hist | edit) [947 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Forms Sometimes it is not enough to simply set a breakpoint in the print program in order to be able to debug it. Instead, the print must be triggered by the program "RSNAST00" so that the debugger mode is activated. Here are the individual steps as follows: = Set the sending time of the message to 1 = A message must be repeated in the respective document under messages. The dispatch time must then be set to "1 - Send with periodically scheduled job"...")
- 00:10, 26 December 2024 Transaction COOIS (hist | edit) [285 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Expansion of the layout fields during output = * [ Additional Customer Fields in COOIS output] ** Additional_writable_customer_fields_in_COOIS_output")
- 00:05, 26 December 2024 Additional writable customer fields in COOIS output (hist | edit) [7,318 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The aim of this enhancement is to be able to save any text, e.g. a comment for a particular entry, by means of an additional button in a newly added field. A BAdI and a Z program are used for this. No SAP standard code is modified. The text entry is only displayed once it has been called up again after the selection. This is shown using an example for the "Component" list. An entry for components can be clearly identified with the order no., item no. and material num...")
- 22:57, 25 December 2024 Customer fields and logic (hist | edit) [3,098 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The custom fields and logic app (F1481) allows you to create custom fields and logic such as calculations in certain native Fiori apps and GUI transactions. The custom fields and logics are part of the key user tools: thumbnail|center|alt=S/4HANA Extensibility|source: sap blog adding-field-in-standard-fiori-apps-of-s-4hana-with-custom-fields-and-logic With custom fields and logic you have the opportunity to expand apps and GUI transact...")
- 21:30, 25 December 2024 Texts in master records and documents (hist | edit) [3,121 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "For some requirements, texts from master records or documents are required. For example to put texts in forms or from one business process to another business process. Very famous is the function module READ_TEXT or something newer the class CL_MM_PUR_TEXT_FACTORY (Read hint in class). ==== Based on naming convention database table STXL ==== {| cl...")
- 21:00, 25 December 2024 Read texts and notes with function module READ TEXT (hist | edit) [1,395 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The text is written to a simple internal table with type 'TLINE'. Often the goal is to store the content in a string. The concatenation depends on the TDFORMAT: <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line> IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lines( text_lines ) > 0. LOOP AT text_lines ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<text_line>). IF <text_line>-tdformat EQ '*' AND sy-tabix > 1. result = |{ result }{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf }{ <text_line>-tdline }|. ELSEIF <text_line>-tdfor...")
- 20:57, 25 December 2024 Read texts and notes with classic class CL MM PUR TEXT FACTORY (hist | edit) [1,275 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Have a look at Texts_in_master_records_and_documents to get combinations to read different texts and notes. {{Note|Because of the class name you can think it's only for MM purchasing texts, but you can also use it for all other texts, because the class has a generic fallback to FM READ_TEXT. Check a example use in class CL_MM_PUR_PR_PROFNL_DPC_EXT.}} <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line> DATA pr_notes TYPE REF T...")
- 12:45, 24 December 2024 Tables (hist | edit) [1,971 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Compare first CDS views for selecting data:")
- 12:44, 24 December 2024 CDS Views (hist | edit) [4,610 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In case there exist no CDS view, have a look at Database tables")
- 00:37, 24 December 2024 Step-by-step for creating custom IDoc (hist | edit) [4,569 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: IDoc == Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung == * WE31 - Create segment ==== Don't forget to release the latest version. ==== WE30 - Create basic type ==== Don't forget to release the base type. ==== WE81 - Create message type ==== ==== WE82 - Assign basis type to message type ==== ==== SE80 - Funktionsgruppe erstellen ==== ==== SE37 - Create custom IDoc processing function module ==== <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">Code snippet <di...")
- 00:17, 24 December 2024 Classic extensibility (hist | edit) [1,731 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: Category:In-App")
- 00:15, 24 December 2024 Key user extensibility (hist | edit) [295 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:In-App")
- 00:14, 24 December 2024 Category:In-App Extensibility (hist | edit) [505 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: Key_user_extensibility category: Classic_extensibility") originally created as "In-App"
- 20:37, 23 December 2024 Programs (hist | edit) [720 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Programs are all standard programs we know from SE38.")
- 20:06, 23 December 2024 Classes (hist | edit) [2,605 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Released for cloud development = == Overall == == Application Log == {| class="wikitable" |'''Name''' |''Purpose'' |- |CL_BALI_LOG |Creation object cl_bali_log=>create( ) |- |CL_BALI_HEADER_SETTER |Create Header with object from created object cl_bali_log=>create( ) the header is set (set_header) |- |CL_BALI_MESSAGE_SETTER |Save message object and message is added (add_item) with created object cl_bali_log=>create( ) |- |CL_BALI_FREE_TEXT_SETTER |Save...")
- 19:46, 23 December 2024 Create job templates for Fiori App application job (F1240). (hist | edit) [4,243 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[Category: Code snippets]] Job templates can be created which can then be used in the “Application job” or “Application Jobs” app to create jobs. = Overview of the required objects in ADT = * Creation of Y/Z class ** Use of interfaces *** if_apj_dt_exec_object *** if_apj_rt_exec_object ** Implementation method if_apj_dt_exec_object~get_parameters. ** Implementation method if_apj_rt_exec_object~execute * Creation of Application Job Catalog Entry ** Assignment of...")
- 19:24, 23 December 2024 Create your own Fiori push notifications (hist | edit) [9,703 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Fiori category: code_snippets There is a “bell” icon in the Fiori Launchpad. All Fiori push notifications are displayed here. The aim of this wiki article is to enable you to display your own notifications there. The prerequisite is that the technical setup and configuration has been carried out in the system. = Overview of the required objects and customizing = * Creation of Y/Z notification class ** Interface /iwngw/if_notif_provider ** Implemen...")
- 19:03, 23 December 2024 Business partner (hist | edit) [1,006 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: master data")
- 19:01, 23 December 2024 Function modules and business application programming interfaces (hist | edit) [1,251 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Master Data = == Material == {| class="wikitable" |- ! Name !! Using |- | BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL || Read all material data |- | ASSORTMENT_POS_HANDLING || Add materials to an assortment module |}")
- 18:56, 23 December 2024 Material master (hist | edit) [829 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: master data")
- 17:17, 21 December 2024 CRUD operations on sourcelist in MM purchasing with Behavior Definition/Implementation R PURCHASINGSOURCELISTTP (hist | edit) [3,336 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "catagory:Behavior_Definitions_and_Implementations === Create sourcelist === <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line copy> creation = VALUE #( ( %cid = cl_uuid_factory=>create_system_uuid( )->create_uuid_x16( ) %key-Material = '000000000000000001' %key-Plant = '1990' %data-ValidityStartDate = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ) %data-ValidityEndDate = '99991231' %data-PurchasingOrganization = '1000' %data-Supplier = '0000129302' %contr...") originally created as "CRUD operations on sourcelist in MM purchasing with Behavior Definitions/Implementation R PURCHASINGSOURCELISTTP"
- 16:58, 21 December 2024 Category:Core data services (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: Behavior Definitions and Implementations") originally created as "Core data services"
- 16:45, 21 December 2024 How to use onPrem CV ATTACHMENT SRV for attachments with Generic Object Services (hist | edit) [2,437 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "If possible, Cloud API_CV_ATTACHMENT_SRV should be used when using business objects that the API supports. Custom or standard business objects such as VBAP are not supported and the CV_ATTACHMENT_SRV service must be used. == Common business objects == * Purchase order: BUS2012 * Purchase order items: - * Purchase requisition: BUS2105 * Purchase requisition items: BUS2009 * Sales order: BUS2032 * Customer offer: BUS2031 * Sales contract: BUS2034 == GOS == === Get a...") originally created as "How to use CV ATTACHMENT SRV for attachments with Generic Object Services in onPremise systems"
- 16:37, 21 December 2024 How to use Cloud API CV ATTACHMENT SRV for attachments with Generic Object Services (hist | edit) [2,943 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Application_programming_interface This wiki entry was written at the time of version 1.00 / last modified on October 17, 2024. * * == Gängige Business Objekte == * Purchase Order: BUS2012 * Purchase Requisition: BUS2105 * Purchase Requisition Item: BUS2009 * Sales Order: BUS20...") originally created as "How to use API CV ATTACHMENT SRV for attachments with Generic Object Services"
- 16:18, 21 December 2024 Switch(ABAP keyword) (hist | edit) [978 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kategorie:Schlüsselbegriffe Since ABAP 7.40 you can use SWITCH. In terms of syntax, this is like COND with the only difference being that it checks for equality and no condition like COND is possible. === Mit SWITCH === <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line start="1"> DATA(lang) = SWITCH char02( sy-langu WHEN 'E' THEN 'EN' WHEN 'D' THEN 'DE' ELSE THROW cx_... "optional...")
- 16:15, 21 December 2024 Cond(ABAP keyword) (hist | edit) [2,051 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Code_Snippets COND can be used since ABAP 7.40. This is an alternative to IF, especially because the code is much shorter, but also sometimes more confusing.<br /> The advantage is to set a condition directly when assigning a value to a variable or to parameters in methods. === Mit COND === Here the COND is used in a method call to pass a parameter like a subobject for the application log: <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line start="1"> bal = cf_reca_message_l...")
- 15:45, 21 December 2024 Corresponding(ABAP keyword) (hist | edit) [307 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:keywords = MAPPING = <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line copy> send_documents = CORRESPONDING #( BASE ( send_documents ) documents MAPPING bukrs = rbukrs ). </syntaxhighlight> = EXCEPT = <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line copy> data2 = CORRESPONDING #( BASE ( data2 ) data MAPPING zcol1 = ycol1 EXCEPT ycol1 ). </syntaxhighlight>")
- 15:36, 21 December 2024 Value (ABAP keyword) (hist | edit) [1,248 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category: keywords = Get single row = <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line copy> "sflight is an internal table of table sflight DATA(single_row) = VALUE #( sflight[ carrid = 'AA' connid = '0017' fldate = '20171219' ] OPTIONAL ). </syntaxhighlight> Without optional and no row is not found, the exception cx_sy_itab_line_not_found is thrown. = Get field of single row = <syntaxhighlight lang="abap"...") originally created as "Keyword value"
- 15:23, 21 December 2024 Get column names of a structure (hist | edit) [1,040 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kategorie:code_snippets <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line start="1"> DATA columns TYPE if_fdt_doc_spreadsheet=>t_column. DATA(desc) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( struc_from_itab ) ). LOOP AT desc->get_components( ) ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<c>). IF <c> IS ASSIGNED. IF <c>-type->kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_elem. APPEND VALUE #( id = sy-tabix name...")
- 15:20, 21 December 2024 Template with comments for code creating (hist | edit) [1,098 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Code_snippets <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line start="1"> *&-------------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Created by company corp, Firstname Surname - Date *&-------------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Here is the description / purpose of the code. *& Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy *& eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, se...")
- 15:11, 21 December 2024 Create e-mail with classic classes and methods (hist | edit) [2,908 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kategorie:Codeschnipsel <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line start="1"> DATA: send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs, document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs, sender TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs, sender2 TYPE REF TO if_sender_bcs, receiver TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs, mail_text_tab TYPE soli_tab, subject TYPE so_obj_des, distribution_list TYPE TABLE OF sodlienti1,...") originally created as "Sending e-mail with classic classes and methods"
- 14:53, 21 December 2024 Create wrapper for function modules and BAPIs (hist | edit) [1,191 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:RESTful_application_programming_model There are good reasons to wrap a function module (BAPI). On the one hand, to have the wrapped FuBa as Tier 2 code so that it can be exchanged with Tier 1 code if SAP offers a released cloud API or similar or to use the wrapped code to release it as Tier 1 in its SAP S/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition system. On the other hand, to be able to use COMMIT-WORK required or causing Fubas (BAPIs) through the BGPF fra...")
- 14:48, 21 December 2024 COMMIT-WORK required or causing FMs (BAPIs) and classes in RAP (hist | edit) [916 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:RESTful_application_programming_model Anyone who uses the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) to develop apps encounters the problem of using function modules or classic classes that require a COMMIT WORK, already call a COMMIT WORK themselves or use other non-permitted keywords such as IN UPDATE TASK. With regard to the COMMIT WORK, the RAP framework only allows this in the SAVE sequence, but not in between, where the FuBas or classes with the...") originally created as "COMMIT-WORK required or causing Fubas (BAPIs) and classes in RAP"
- 14:39, 21 December 2024 GitHub gitLabs 3rd party addons (hist | edit) [197 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* ABAP Open Source Projects ( * *")
- 12:31, 21 December 2024 Solutions for fiori error messages (hist | edit) [1,873 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Fiori == Anayltic App shows "App cannot be loaded" == === IFC Node / Service "smart_business_runtime_srv" not activated === <strong>Analysis:</strong> In the debugger browser, a red error message indicates that the ICF node or service for Smart Business Runtime is not available. This is the basis for all KPI tiles. <strong>Solution:</strong> Activate service and ICF nodes under Activate_single_OData_service_and_associated_ICF_nodes_for_fiori_apps|transa...")
- 12:20, 21 December 2024 Activate single OData service and associated ICF nodes for fiori apps (hist | edit) [4,707 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category: Fiori = Search for an app in the Fiori App Library = When searching for an app, you should make sure that it is available for the desired system. Under "IMPLEMENTATION INFORMATION" you can see whether it is available for on-premise and/or cloud systems with the corresponding versions. Example "Manage Activity Types (Version 2) for Cost Accountant - Overhead": <br />'F1605A')...")
- 11:29, 21 December 2024 Category:Code snippets (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created blank page) originally created as "Code snippets"
- 11:13, 21 December 2024 Create application log in cloud development (hist | edit) [3,627 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "For T1 / cloud developments the familiar function modules(FMs) or classic classes for creating application logs can no loger be used. For this purpose, SAP offers several released classes for cloud development. The object and sub-object should not be created via SLG0, but via Eclipse with ABAP Development Tools. = How to use the classes = == Create new business application log == <syntaxhighlight lang="abap" line copy> TRY. DATA(lo_log) = cl_bali_log=>create( ). CATCH...")
- 00:37, 21 December 2024 Welcome (hist | edit) [687 bytes] Unirab (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Welcome to unirab. A wiki for helping people in SAP world. All about development and some consulsant topics. Hope you can find solutions for you work.")