

From SAP Knowledge Base
Revision as of 12:41, 31 December 2024 by Unirab (talk | contribs)

The BAdI is called before the batch input folders are created with transaction FF_5 that carry out the postings.

Create implementation in customer namespsace

The BAdI cannot be used multiple times. According to an SAP note, the current implementation can be deactivated if the IBS Public Sector industry solution is not used.

Alternatively, the customer exit 'FEB00001' can also be used. A Z-FM must be registered in the 'T_FEBCL' parameter of the exit FM, see more information in SAP Note 494777 Point 5

Example to fill a batch input field

For example, if you want to set the local currency amount when there is a foreign currency amount and the local currency amount should not be calculated by the conversion rate, you need to add records to the 't_ftpost' table:

 READ TABLE t_ftpost WITH KEY stype = 'P'
                              count = '001'
                              fnam = 'BSEG-WRBTR'.
 IF sy-subrc = 0.
  s_ftpost-stype = 'P'.
  s_ftpost-count = '001'.
  s_ftpost-fnam = 'BSEG-DMBTR'.
  "s_ftpost-fval = i_febep-kwbtr.
  WRITE i_febep-kwbtr to s_ftpost-fval CURRENCY i_febep-kwaer LEFT-JUSTIFIED.
  INSERT s_ftpost into t_ftpost index sy-tabix.

This means that with 's_ftpost-fnam' you address the field that should be adjusted when the folder is played.

The t_ftpost has entries e.g. with 's_ftpost-count = '001' and 's_ftpost-count = '002', so that a sentence has to be added to the 't_ftpost' for each 'Count' entry.

An example coding for exchange rate differences in foreign currencies can be viewed in SAP Note 999974.

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