Read texts and notes with classic class CL MM PUR TEXT FACTORY
From SAP Knowledge Base
Have a look at Texts_in_master_records_and_documents to get combinations to read different texts and notes.
Note |
Because of the class name you can think it's only for MM purchasing texts, but you can also use it for all other texts, because the class has a generic fallback to FM READ_TEXT. Check a example use in class CL_MM_PUR_PR_PROFNL_DPC_EXT. |
DATA pr_notes TYPE REF TO if_mm_pur_longtext.
pr_notes = cl_mm_pur_text_factory=>get_instance( iv_source_object = text_object ).
CALL METHOD lo_pr_notes->get_text(
iv_text_id = text_id
iv_language = text_language
iv_text_object = text_object
iv_text_name = text_objectkey
iv_is_draft = is_draft
ev_text = DATA(text)
ev_fixed_indicator = DATA(fixie)
ev_text_displaymode = DATA(text_displaymode)
ev_adopted_from_ref = DATA(adopted_from_ref)